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Chapter 13) Indices

Online MCQ Test

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Q1. What is the value of (22 )3 ?

A) 16
B) 32
C) 64
D) 12

Q2. What is the value of (100)0 ?

A) 1
B) 100
C) -1
D) 10000

Q3. (2/7)0 = ?

A) 2/7
B) 1
C) 4/49
D) 2

Q4. 71/4 means ................. .

A) the second root of 7
B) the fourth root of 7
C) the first root of 7
D) the fifth root of 7

Q5. What is the value of 641/3 ?

A) 6
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4

Q6. am x a n = ?

A) am/ n
B) am x n
C) am + n
D) am - n

Q7. 2251/2 = ?

A) 15
B) 25
C) 5
D) 12

Q8. (y1/2)1/3 = ............... .

A) y1/5
B) y1/8
C) y1/3
D) y1/6

Q9. 32 x 2 3 = ?

A) 64
B) 78
C) 72
D) 24

Q10. 150 = ........... ?

A) 1
B) 15
C) 0
D) 225